Sunday, December 6, 2015

TOW #11 - A Whole New Mind (Part One)

(Above: A Right-Brain Translation of the Historical Eras)
"L-Directed Thinking remains indispensable. It's just no longer sufficient.
In the Conceptual Age, what we need instead is a whole new mind."
     A Whole New Mind is a response to the developing Conceptual Age, founded on transcending the analytical, sequential left-brain and investigating the synthesizing, holistic right-brain. Daniel Pink, an experienced author on the dynamics of the workplace and business, uses a combination of statistics, real-world examples, and a humorous writing style to build his case for "Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future" (and why readers struggling through college or employment should really jump on that train).
     Pink organizes the book very logically and makes it easy to understand. Part One is constructed to emphasize the importance of a whole mind, to break down beliefs that the right-brain is either inferior or superior to the left-brain. Part Two explains Pink's philosophy of the "Six Senses." The first two are Design and Story: the first has recently flourished in corporate settings and the second is the basis of interpretation and memory. Each section is concluded with a "Portfolio" containing creative exercises to improve the sense, from fun project ideas to information on design seminars and storytelling festivals. I am definitely inspired to try some of the things in those sections.
     Pink's writing style is also very effective and engaging. He skillfully simplifies important concepts, often through humorous analogies and examples. There are many jokes but the main point is always clear. Consider his explanation of the necessity of both hemispheres: "Logic without emotion is a chilly, Spock-like existence. Emotion without logic is a weepy, hysterical world where the clocks are never right and the buses always late... The two sides work in concert--two sections of an orchestra that sounds awful if one sides packs up its instruments and goes home." His writing voice is balanced between silly and rational - perfect for this topic.
     This book is definitely right for me. It has introduced me to cool things like narrative medicine (the importance of a patient's Story) and the Rainbow Project (a very creative alternative to the SAT). It also gives me ideas about things like college and career.  I am absolutely looking forward to reading the rest of it.

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